Saturday, March 7, 2015

Snake bite and effects


This link shows bite treatment    Bali venomous [poisonous] snakes and the only bite treatment that works

There are 38 species native to Bali but only 5 land snakes are potentially deadly

Fact 1: Snakes only bite for two reasons.... Fear or Food
Humans are not considered as snake food so most bites are a result of a scared animal defending itself
This is reflected in the types of fatal bites....
80% of bites to men are on fingers and hands because they tried to catch or kill a snake
70% of bites to women are on feet or lower legs because they stood on or went too close to a snake

Fact 2: Snakes do not attack humans but some snakes are very good at defending themselves

Fact 3: Ante venon is not always needed for snake bite....
Many venomous snakes do not inject venom if they bite, or else inject a very small amount of venom which the human body can break down and fight against by itself

Fact 4: Traditional medicine does not work
It appears to work sometimes because even though a venomous snake bit, it did not inject venom. ie dry bite
If the bite victim has received a full dose of venom ie: wet bite, traditional medicine cannot work and should never be used

Fact 5: Venom attacks different people in different ways.
For example a bee sting can cause death to 1 in 100.000 people
So there are is no precise description of exactly what will happen
What is written here is only a guideline

In Bali Lombok and Sumbawa we have many species of snakes
Most of them are harmless, but several snakes can inflict injuries if harassed

Javan Spitting Cobra, naja sputatrix, lipi woh, ular sendok
This snake is diurnal, which means it usually is seen in daylight hours
Stockily built snake, up to 2metre, dull brown colour is most common
They have neurotoxic venom which affects the cardio vascular system
If the bite actually injected venom the victim knows almost immediately
Usually there is intense pain around the bitten area
This pain may spread to other parts of the body
Nausea and dizziness often follow
After about 30 minutes there may be restriction in your chest and difficulty breathing
If untreated eventually you stop breathing
CPR can save your life if breathing stops

These cobras also spit venom very accurately aiming for the eyes of any attacker
Venom in the eyes will not kill you but it feels like needles in your eyes
If not washed out quickly it can lead to permanent eye damage
Use any water you can get
Wash and keep washing until pain is relieved
Many cats and dogs which attack snakes need exactly the same treatment

White Lipped Island Pit Viper, trimeresurus insularis, lipi gadang, ular hijau eco merah
Solidly built, up to 1.2metre, bright green snake often with red tinge on tail
This is a mostly nocturnal snake and ambush predator
Pit vipers use haemotoxic venom which attacks flesh and blood
Usually found in bushes but often at ground level in full moon or rainy periods
Pain from this bite is very severe and immediate around the bite area
If untreated it can result in loss of limbs through infection, blood poisoning, and eventually gangrene
This viper has a bad reputation but the venom is not strong enough to kill an adult 
No adult deaths have been recorded in Bali
Children have died because of infection from untreated bites

Malayan Krait. bungarus candidus, ular wellang, lipi laut
Slender snake up to 1.5metres
Mixture of colours and patterns
Usually black with regularly spaced grey/white bands but often plain black or shiny brown in Bali
Nocturnal snake usually found in or close to water
Neurotoxic venom which attacks cardio vascular system
They have small fangs and are often reluctant to bite
If they bite there are often no noticeable side effects for up to several hours
Then the victim goes to sleep and doesnt wake up
These snakes have caused and will cause deaths because of this

King Cobra, ophiophagus hannah, ular rajah
Only found in Western Bali
Large powerful snake which is not actually a cobra at all
Up to 6metres, mid brown with narrow cream/white bands
Very reluctant to waste its venom and wet bites only about 5% of the time
Neurotoxic venom which attacks cardio vascular system
With large fangs and big venom sacs this is not a snake you want to get bitten by
Pain is described as immediate but not too severe, followed by nausea and headache
Immediate treatment is required to prevent death
As far as know only one death in the last 20 years from king cobra bite in Bali

Banded Coral Snake, calliophus intestinalis. ular cabe
Rarely seen small slender snake to .5metre
Neurotoxic venom but no known bites in Bali so immediate effects unknown here

Banded Sea Krait, Laticauda colubrina, lipi laut
Large black and white banded sea snake up to 3.5metres
Usually seen in the sea but these often come ashore to digest food, change skin, and lay eggs
Regardless of what you may hear sea snakes can bite you anywhere they chose
They are a rear fanged snake with venom 50 times more potent than cobras
If harassed enough to bite, their neurotoxic venom can shut down your breathing within a few minutes
Effects appear to be not very painful but rapid chest constriction followed by death
They have caused deaths among fishermen, who catch them in nets at night, and tourists who try to play with them

Some other snakes are mildly venomous but are considered of no danger to humans

Gold Ringed Mangrove Snake, boiga dendrophila. cincin emas
Introduced into Bali about 10 years ago this beautiful snake is spreading quickly from near Ubud
Now found from Ubud and Pererenan to Sanur and Klungkung
Slender black and gold or black and white snake to over 2metres
Rear fanged colubrid of no danger to humans
This snakes venom cannot kill you but can hurt
Usually just swelling around the bitten area followed by mild pain for a couple of days

Dog Toothed Cat Snake. boiga cynadon,
Long slender tree snake with similar venom to other boiga above

Speckle belly keelback. rhabdophis chrysargos.
Rear fanged snake to 1metre usually found in or near water
Although not considered dangerous to humans the rhabdophis species needs more investigation
Other members of this species such as red necked keelbacks, rhabdophis subminiatus, [not found in Bali], have caused human deaths

Non venomous snake bites

Pythons are large powerful snakes with no venom
But if attacked they will defend themselves strongly
Bites from large pythons can require stitches or minor surgery
Never place a big wild python near your shoulders or neck
They are very powerful animals and large ones can hurt you if you dont understand this

Boiga dendrophila, gold ringed mangrove snakeBoiga dendrophila, gold ringed mangrove snake
Ophiophagus Hannah, king cobra
Ophiophagus Hannah, king cobra
Trimeresurus insularis, white lipped island pit viperTrimeresurus insularis, white lipped island pit viper
Bungarus candidus, Malayan kraitBungarus candidus, Malayan krait
Naja sputatrix. Javan spittng cobraNaja sputatrix. Javan spittng cobra
Very use snake poster available from Bali Reptile Rescue
Very use snake poster available from Bali Reptile Rescue

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